The Importance Of Tone Of Voice For A Successful Podcast
Podcasting is about a host to audience connection, which involves lots of elements like great recording quality, great post-production and editing, and really good content. However, how you deliver the content with your voice is at the core of a great podcast. How your voice comes across can make or break a podcast, so it is essential that you get it right. This is also true when your podcast presenters have different accents and dialects, whether Chinese or Italian.
Read on to find out more about this essential aspect of podcasting:
Why Does Voice Matter So Much In Podcasting?
The voice that we deliver our podcast content with is so important. It is how we put across emotions, tone, intention, identity and more. Pace, rhythm, pitch and even breathiness can have a huge impact on how well your podcast comes across.
As well as the delivery of your message and how that matches to your intended podcast tone, on a basic level your voice can annoy listeners away. Science says that we prefer lower voices, whether that is men or women, when we are listening to a person. Although you cannot change the natural mid range of your voice, you can pay attention to avoiding your voice repeatedly going into ranges only the pets can hear.
How To Boost Your Podcast Tone For Success
In podcasting, your voice is a tool and an important one at that. The great thing is that you can boost this tool and utilise it, so that you can see greater success with your podcast. To help you fully master your voice, try these tips:
You only need to lose 1.36% of fluid (as a female) to feel a little worse off physically, with a change in mood, concentration and more headaches occurring just because you’re down on liquid this much. With this in mind, you will understand that dehydration affects all areas of your body, including your voice. Drinking lots of water and avoiding claggy foods like chocolate and dairy on the day of your recording will help keep your voice nice and hydrated.
Do Check Your Equipment
Even fantastic voiceover artists can sound rubbish if the recording equipment they use is not very good. Check your setup to ensure it is making your voice sound great, and if it isn’t, consider hiring a professional voiceover agency.
Start Getting Used To How You Sound
If you want to improve how you sound you have to listen to your voice over and over and over again. First, start speaking out loud around the house, reading articles or texts aloud so that you can hear how you speak naturally. Then, start recording your voice properly with practise podcasts and write notes on what could be improved.
Colleen Balinger, famous podcaster and Youtuber credits her ease in speaking in performance mode with tons and tons of practise. She says in her podcast that she has been speaking to audiences ever since she was little, even if the audience was just a pet. Being comfortable with how you sound and adapting that to performance is the key to great tone on podcast episodes.
Do Vocal Exercises
Vocal exercises are not just for singers. You can improve your tone, strength, rhythm and confidence all with vocal exercises of which there are plenty for free on YouTube. If you’re still struggling, consider paying for a vocal coach who has experience in speaking voice coaching.
Do Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises are important because sound is made when air moves across the vocal chords. By learning how to use your lungs and diaphragm well you can enhance your voice and gain much more control over the tone.
“The human voice is the most perfect instrument of all.” – Argo Part
The tone that you apply to your podcast is the way you deliver the message, emotion and content of your podcast brand. By using the tips above and putting the time in, you can perfect your instrument and see greater podcast success moving forward.
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